Friday, 14 April 2017

Unit Test Review: Trigonometry

Unit Test Review

This blog post is a list of many of the key concepts that students should understand by the end of the trigonometry unit. 

Chapter 7
  • Rates, Ratios and Proportions
  • Solving Proportions (Cross multiplication & isolation)
  • Angle Relationships
    • CAT, SAT, OAT, IST, SATT, EAT, PTL-F Pattern, PTL-C Pattern and PTL-Z Pattern
  • The Pythagorean Theorem
  • Two Properties of Similar Triangles
  • Finding corresponding angles and corresponding sides in two similar triangles. 
  • Proportionality Statements
  • Scale Factor (k)
  • Primary Trigonometric Ratios
    • Labeling hypotenuse, opposite side and adjacent side in respect to a reference angle
  • The Tangent Ratio: solving for unknown angles and unknown sides
  • The Cosine Ratio: solving for unknown angles and unknown sides
    • Ratio cannot be greater than 1 (i.e., denominator is always greater than numerator).
  • The Sine Ratio: solving for unknown angles and unknown sides
    • Ratio cannot be greater than 1 (i.e., denominator is always greater than numerator).
  • Angle of Elevation (inclination)
  • Angle of Depression 
Chapter 8
  • "Solving the Triangle"
  • The Sine Law: solving for unknown angles and unknown sides
  • The Cosine Law: solving for unknown angles and unknown sides
  • The Sine Law vs. The Cosine Law 
Chapter 7 & 8

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Reviewing Sine Law and Cosine Law

Reviewing The Sine Law and The Cosine Law

The following diagram summaries the varies ways we can apply the sine law and cosine law in solving for unknown angles and sides in non-right triangles (click the image to enlarge it.)

The Sine Law vs. The Cosine Law. Created by Mike Studenny.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Trigonometry - The Cosine Law - Solving for Angles

The Cosine Law - Solving for Angles

We have been working on applying the cosine law to solve for unknowns in non-right triangles. The last video lesson and blog discussed how to apply the cosine law to solve for unknown side lengths. We know that to do this we need to be given any two sides and a contained angle between them. 

To solve for an unknown angle while using the cosine law we need to be given all three sides

The following is a example of the various ways we can arrange the cosine law in order to solve for each unknown angle of ∆ABC:

The Cosine Law - Solving for Angles. Created by Mike Studenny.
The important pieces to notice when using the cosine law and solving for angles can be summaries into a few key points:
  • The equation is simply a rearranged version of the cosine law used to solve for sides.
  • The equation still matches the unknown value on the left of the equation to it's partner on the far right (i.e., unknown angle A matches to given side a.)
  • The equation contains the two other side lengths than the matching one. 
  • These two other side lengths appear twice once in the numerator and once in the denominator. 
The video lesson that corresponds to this blog post explains how to apply the equation to isolate for the unknown angle. If you have a strong understanding of the primary trigonometric ratios and how to isolate for unknowns using them this math should not be too difficult. Generally, the hard part is developing the equations correctly. 

Follow the link below to access the video lesson:

Trigonometry - The Cosine Law - Solving for Sides

The Cosine Law - Solving For Sides

This lesson works on a brand new equation. So far we have learnt how to solve for unknown sides only using the sine law. When solving for an unknown side the sine law requires the following:
  • (ASA) Two angles and one side.
The problem with this is that we want to be able to solve problems that contains other sets of given information. Enter: The Cosine Law!

The cosine law allows us to solve for unknown sides of a triangle if given the following condition:
  • Any two sides and a contained angle* 
The important thing about building your cosine law equation is to make sure that the left side's side variable matches the angle's variable at the end. The following are three examples of how to build various equations for ∆ABC. The first is to find side a. The second is to find side d. The third is to find side c. It's important to notice how each unknown side in the equation matches to a known angle in the right side of the equation. Also how the other two sides each appear twice per equation. 

The Cosine Law. Developed by Mike Studenny.

The corresponding lesson to this blog post goes into detail on how to apply the cosine law to solve for an unknown side. The process for solving the equation is outlined there. 

To view the video lesson follow the link below:

8.2 - Trigonometry - The Cosine Law - Solving for Sides 

Friday, 7 April 2017

Trigonometry - The Law of Sines - Word Problems

The Law of Sines - Word Problems

This lesson looks at how to apply the law of sines to a variety of word problems. When tackling these problems, here are a few steps to follow as a means of organizing your thoughts:
  1. Read through the question from start to finish.
  2. Pick out the important parts of the questions (I like to highlight or underline these)
  3. Build and label your diagram.
  4. Write out and fill in any given information into the Sine Law
  5. Choose two ratios to set equivalent to each other to solve for one unknown value. 

Click the link below to access the video lesson:

8.1 The Law of Sines - Word Problems

Trigonometry - The Law of Sines

The Sine Law

This lesson looks at the development and preliminary applications of the Sine Law. The video lesson first works through the development of the algebraic proof for the Sine Law. This requires the prior understandings of the primary trigonometric ratio of Sine. This sine law is used on non-right angle triangles to solve for unknown angles or sides. The overlaying idea of how this sine law is derived is that we are cutting the triangle into two right angle triangles and using the sine ratio to solve for 2 of the three sides. We do this again to solve for a third side. This shows that all three ratios of sides lengths divided by the ratio of sine for the corresponding angle (to the side length) are equal to each other.

Through the investigative proof we found applying this ratio to be true.

Therefore, we are able to use the following ratio to solve for unknown angles and sides of non-right angle triangles. 

A quick summary of what information you need given in a problem to be able to solve for which known is shown below:

  • The sine law can be used to find a side length of a non-right triangle if given two angles and one side length.

  • The sine law can be used to find an angle of a non-right triangle if given two sides and one angle that is corresponds to one of the given sides (i.e., the angle cannot be contained by the given sides)

Follow the link below for the video of this lesson

8.1 - Trigonometry - The Law of Sines

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Trigonometry - Solving Triangles - Real World Problems

Solving Triangles - Real World Problems

In this lesson we begin applying our understanding of the primary trigonometric ratios to real world problems. Thus far, we have been using the ratios to solve problems that pretty much occur only in the "math world." Personally, I find applying math to problems that arise in the real world is the most exciting part! During my own personal math journey I have found that as soon as you apply math to the real world it doesn't only give you answers to interesting questions but also gives you the tools to as questions that are even more interesting. 

For a number of these  questions we used two new definitions:

Angle of Elevation or Inclination: the angle between the horizontal and the line of sight from an observer's eye to some object above eye level.

Angle of Depression: The angle between the horizontal and the line of sight from an observer's eye to a point below eye level. 

When trying to apply our primary trig. ratios to real world problems there is a series of steps to follow as a means to organize the process:

  1. Draw a diagram to represent the situation
  2. Fill in all known information
  3. Identify what needs to be calculated, side or angle
  4. Solve for the unknown measure using a trig ratio
  5. Write a concluding statement.
Following these steps will surely help make the real world, word problems much easier. Also, I have found that part of real world problems is that they result in a struggle. This struggle is not a bad thing. It is a natural part of working through math... allowing yourself to struggle yet not get disheartened will help you develop you skills in math. 

The following link is for the video lesson:

Monday, 3 April 2017

Trigonometry - Solving Triangles

Solving Triangles

This lesson is the next step in applying the three primary trigonometric ratios to solving triangles. Up until this point each lesson specifically focused on one of the three ratios and how to use that to solve for unknown angles and sides of a right-angle triangle. Now, we are applying all these skills to the same questions. 

When a question requires "solving a triangle" it's asking to solve for all three angles and all three side lengths. To do this requires selecting and choosing the appropriate trig ratio to use.

The video below outlines an example of steps to use to solve a triangle:

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Trigonometry - The Cosine Ratio

The Last Ratio

The Cosine Ratio is the last of our three primary trigonometric ratios. As a review go to the following google forms and test your knowledge:

Google Forms - SOH CAH TOA 

The cosine ratio is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a reference angle. 

In this lesson we applied the cosine ratio to the same style of problems that we did the other two ratios. We practices solving for unknown angles and unknown side lengths. Through these three lessons we have learnt how to use the tangent, sine and cosine ratios to solve for unknown reference angles, unknown numerators in the ratio and unknown denominator in the ratio. The math processes used for each of the ratios is the same to solve for each unknown.

Primary Trigonmetric Ratio Acronym.
Chart Developed By Author.
Click for enlarged version.
The key difference with each ratio is the side length that corresponds to the numerator and denominator of the ratio. In the lesson we discussed the use of the acronym SOH CAH TOA to help remember the orientation of each ratio. The chart I build and we used is pictured to the left. Using SOH CAH TOA to work backwards and rebuild the ratio equations is a great way to make sure the ratios are properly orientated. I told the students that the first thing I do when I write a quiz or test using the primary trig. ratios is write the acronym at the top of my page. 

Comparing The Sine Ratio and The Cosine Ratio
Chart Developed by Author.
Click for enlarged version.

Another comparison we looked at in this lesson was the relationship between sine and cosine. As a class we built a chart that looked at how the ratio for sine and cosine was affected with increasing angle values. For sine we found that as the angle value increased the ratio increased from 0 to 1. For cosine we found that as the angle value increased the ratio decreased from 1 to 0. When comparing the two ratios we found that at each increment in the chart on the left the value of the ratio corresponded to the invert of the other's value. 

Click the following link to access this lesson's video:

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Trigonometry - The Sine Ratio

This video looks at how we can use the sine ratio to solve for unknown sides of a right angle triangle and unknown angles of a right angle triangle.

The sine ratio of a reference angle is equivalent to the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse side of a right angle triangle.

If you were comfortable with the math from the previous video/lesson this math should also make sense. The way we apply the sine ratio is identical to the tangent ratio with only key difference. While the tangent ratio looks at the ratio of opposite side to the adjacent side the side ratio looks at the ratio of the opposite side to they hypotenuse side.

Created using Google Draw by Author.
You can click this image to enlarge it.
Using the sine ratio we can solve a few different trigonometric problems. The sine ratio has three variables (a reference angle, the opposite side length and the hypotenuse's side length), of which we need two to be given to be able to solve for the third. This relates to the problems we can solve using the tangent ratio.

Follow the link below for this lesson's video:

7.4 - Trigonometry - The Sine Ratio

**NOTE: The sine ratio can NEVER be a value greater than 1. Since the demominator in the ratio is the hypotenuse, which is the longest side of a right angle triangle the numerator will always be smaller than the denominator. A ratio that has the numerator smaller than the denominator the is always equivalent to a value less than

Trigonometry - The Tangent Ratio

This lesson was the looks at the first of three primary trigonometric ratios.

There are a few key take away ideas from this video/lesson:

  1. The importance of checking to make sure you have a right angle triangle is at the three sides are labeled correctly with Hypotenuse, Opposite and Adjacent.
  2. Using the tangent ratio to solve for an unknown angle.
  3. Using the tangent ratio to solve for and unknown opposite side (numerator).
  4. Using the tangent ratio to solve for an unknown adjacent side (denominator). 
A few tips to keep in mind when solving these problems:
  • Make sure you calculator is set to Degrees and not Radians.
  • Make sure you are consistently getting the correct answer on your calculator. Some times it can be difficult to properly enter the math into your calculator, also some calculators require it to be entered differently. 

The link to this video is below: 

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Trigonometry - Solving Similar Triangles

7.2 - Solving Similar Triangles

This is my second attempt at making a video to complement a lesson I facilitated in a grade 10 academic math course. I felt the last video was a little difficult to follow as I filled in all the information as I went using my trackpad on my computer - resulting in long pauses in my explanations while I struggled to write close to legibly. This time I used the filled in note from class and verbally walked through the steps and explanations of each of the problems. I mentioned that I would be making two videos for this lesson one similar to the last and one as I have just described. In hindsight I think this video turned out pretty well; if feedback from students tells me otherwise I will make a supporting video similar to the last published video. 

This lesson looks at the properties of similar triangles and uses this understanding to solve for various combinations of sides and angles of similar triangles. 

Follow the link below for access to the video:

Monday, 27 March 2017

Trigonometry - Review of Essential Skills

Introduction to Trigonometry

This was my first attempt at recording a smart board lesson. I don't currently have a mouse on my laptop so the writing portion of it was a little slow and a little messy (okay maybe a lot messy.)

Feel free to use this recording to listen to my explanations of MPM 2D introduction to trigonometry - review of essential skills. Pausing and replaying certain parts could work as a great strategy if you struggle with any concepts.

Full disclosure: I make a few mistakes when referencing the various angle relationship theorems. I think I correct myself for the most part though.

Click the link below to go to the video.

Sunday, 26 March 2017

About This Blog

I will be using this blog as a compliment to my teaching practicum. The goal for this blog is to provide students with two things:

  • Video recap of lessons taught. 
  • Additional problems. 

By using this resource students will be able to review any of the lessons in the unit. This can be used as a daily tool to ensure the knowledge is really sinking in or as a review tool before quizzes or the test.

Unit Test Review: Trigonometry

Unit Test Review ~Trigonometry~ This blog post is a list of many of the key concepts that students should understand by the end of t...