7.2 - Solving Similar Triangles
This is my second attempt at making a video to complement a lesson I facilitated in a grade 10 academic math course. I felt the last video was a little difficult to follow as I filled in all the information as I went using my trackpad on my computer - resulting in long pauses in my explanations while I struggled to write close to legibly. This time I used the filled in note from class and verbally walked through the steps and explanations of each of the problems. I mentioned that I would be making two videos for this lesson one similar to the last and one as I have just described. In hindsight I think this video turned out pretty well; if feedback from students tells me otherwise I will make a supporting video similar to the last published video.
This lesson looks at the properties of similar triangles and uses this understanding to solve for various combinations of sides and angles of similar triangles.
Follow the link below for access to the video: