Introduction to Trigonometry
This was my first attempt at recording a smart board lesson. I don't currently have a mouse on my laptop so the writing portion of it was a little slow and a little messy (okay maybe a lot messy.)
Feel free to use this recording to listen to my explanations of MPM 2D introduction to trigonometry - review of essential skills. Pausing and replaying certain parts could work as a great strategy if you struggle with any concepts.
Full disclosure: I make a few mistakes when referencing the various angle relationship theorems. I think I correct myself for the most part though.
Click the link below to go to the video.
Feel free to use this recording to listen to my explanations of MPM 2D introduction to trigonometry - review of essential skills. Pausing and replaying certain parts could work as a great strategy if you struggle with any concepts.
Full disclosure: I make a few mistakes when referencing the various angle relationship theorems. I think I correct myself for the most part though.
Click the link below to go to the video.