Monday, 27 March 2017

Trigonometry - Review of Essential Skills

Introduction to Trigonometry

This was my first attempt at recording a smart board lesson. I don't currently have a mouse on my laptop so the writing portion of it was a little slow and a little messy (okay maybe a lot messy.)

Feel free to use this recording to listen to my explanations of MPM 2D introduction to trigonometry - review of essential skills. Pausing and replaying certain parts could work as a great strategy if you struggle with any concepts.

Full disclosure: I make a few mistakes when referencing the various angle relationship theorems. I think I correct myself for the most part though.

Click the link below to go to the video.

Unit Test Review: Trigonometry

Unit Test Review ~Trigonometry~ This blog post is a list of many of the key concepts that students should understand by the end of t...